Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Forever Marilyn

I love vintage style, the clothes, makeup, and hair is soooo BEAUTIFUL. The 1950's pin up look is my favorite and the most iconic pin up girl of that era was Marilyn Monroe, hands down. So when we heard her monument in Palm Springs, CA (sculpted by Seward Johnson) was moving to New Jersey we knew we had to make a trip to see it for ourselves. One of my best friends is also a pin up/Marilyn fanatic and I couldn't make the trip without inviting her along. She got so excited she suggested we make that trip a Marilyn filled day and we were not disappointed....

Isn't she beautiful??!!  I couldn't believe how large the monument was, the detail was amazing.

The monument is based off her famous dress scene in the film The Seven Year Itch created in 1955. She became an icon in film from that point forward. Totally worth the hour and a half drive from Orange County, if your wondering why the people in the first picture are taking a picture of her back side it's because her booty and undies were on full display (money shot!).

Leonel tried to crawl up her leg, I don't blame him.... she's one sexy lady.

After a quick bite to eat we said adios to Palm Springs and made our way to the Hollywood Museum, her exhibit at the former Maxfactor building is the largest in the U.S. (so they claim, I have no idea if it's true). It was about a two hour drive from Palm Springs and $15 per person to view the 4 story building. A statue of Marilyn greets you at the door and her picture on the pamphlet is gorgeous.

The room she famously became a blonde in is on the 1st floor, it stores all her pictures, jewelry, and some clothing and makeup.  The museum had tons of really cool costumes, props, and cars from past and current films and television shows.  I can't post all the pictures because this post would get way too long and you would probably fall asleep half way through but my favorites were Elvira, I Love Lucy, Frankenstein, who am I kidding... it was all really cool!!!

The fun didn't end there, we had two more stops.  Her home in Brentwood, and her final resting place at Westwood Village Memorial Park also located in Los Angeles, Ca. We visited her grave site first since it was closer, Westwood Village is hidden between high rise buildings and can easily be missed. It's a small memorial park and was very peaceful, it took us a while to find her since she is in a niche side by side with several others. Her plaque was the only one with kisses on it and she also had flowers, she is adored till this day.

She isn't the only celebrity buried there, Farrah Fawcett, Betty Page, and a few others are resting in the same cemetery.

After paying our respects we drove to Brentwood like a couple of stalkers and looked for her home on Carmelina Av. It was her first and only home and the current owners are not to kind to visitors, you can't really see much since they built a brick wall for privacy (for people like us, HA!). I was a chicken and watched from a distance as my friend and husband tried to get pictures over the gates. LOL Three Mexicans in an all white neighborhood trying to sneak photos over a gate.... probably not the best idea but it was an adventure. Plus I needed proof for all of you, see..... I'm so thoughtful.

We were home by 7pm, saw so much in one day. It was amazing. Have any of you visited the Forever Marilyn monument or any other Marilyn sites?  I would love to hear about it. :)

Coming soon, I'll be posting a pin up makeup tutorial.  If you have any special request on make up tutorials you would like to see on our blog please leave a comment.

Much Love, V&L

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